Road ID was created on the concept that active people should wear ID as part of their gear when participating in outdoor activities. It was started by a couple of guys who began to wonder "why in the heck don't we have ID on us when we go out for a run or a ride?" We looked at our dogs, they had ID. But, if we had an
unexpected accident, while running or cycling, we would be in bad shape - nobody would know who we were or who to contact. That freaked us out.
Road ID, is a Kentucky based company. The principle owners are Edward Wimmer and Mike Wimmer - a father and son team. "Road ID is our business - getting people to wear ID is our crusade." Everyday, people leave their homes without any form of identification. The only way to have identification with you all the time is to wear it. Wearing ID will ensure safety and peace of mind - for you and your loved ones. To learn more about us, our journey, mission, dream, please visit the our story page.
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